Unser Biobank-Event in Bern :
Unser interdisziplinäres Biobank-Event, welches am 27. April 2017 in Bern stattfand, war ein voller Erfolg und wir bedanken uns bei allen Beteiligten die aus der ganzen Schweiz angereist waren.
Zusätzlich zu den im Programm eingeplanten Präsentationen von Fachleuten konnten sich die Teilnehmer über Ihre eigenen Erfahrungen konstruktiv austauschen.
Die Veranstaltung fand bei einem Buffet seinen Ausklang und wir hoffen bei unserem nächsten Event auf noch mehr Einschreibungen.
Mit freundlichen Grüssen
Präsentation TD-Biobank von Herrn Guitart Diskussionsrunde am Ende der Präsentationen Hôtel Kreuz: Veranstaltungsort unseres Seminars in Bern
Ticino :
Il nostro evento interdisciplinare sulle biobanche che si è svolto a Berna il 27 aprile 2017, è stato un vero successo e vogliamo ringraziare tutti i partecipanti venuti da tutta la Svizzera.
Oltre alle presentazioni professionali previste nel programma, i partecipanti hanno potuto scambiare in modo costruttivo e parlare delle loro esperienze.
L’evento si è concluso con un buffet e speriamo di rivedervi ancora più numerosi in occasione del prossimo evento.
Cordialmente LIG-System.
Event for Biobanks – Bern – 27.04.2017
A not-to-be-missed event for Biobanks in Switzerland
Biobanks are major stakeholders in medical research and economic development. Find out how our Biobank solution meets your needs.
Come to our exclusive Biobank event in Bern on Thursday 27 April 2017, for a truly collaborative and inter-disciplinary presentation by specialists of issues at play in Biobanks, as well as our latest software developments and technological advances.
Free entrance – registration required (limited number of places). Presentations in English. (German and French speakers available).
Agenda :
From 8h00 : Welcome and registration – coffee and croissants.
9h15 : Presentation of LIG-Systems and Technidata.
9h30 : Annotations and traceability, two cornerstones for samples quality and biobanks sustainability.
(by Jeanne Hélène Di Donato, Founder & director 3C-R)
10h30 : Pause
10h45 : Biobank software : TDBiobank’s relevance to the Swiss market and its operational needs.
(by Christophe Guitart Arnau, Technidata)
11h30 : Case study: clinicobiological annotations of samples.
(by Christophe Guitart Arnau, Technidata)
11h45 : Financing. (by Mr Fathi Derder, conseiller national, président de „LeRéseau“)
12h30 : Round-table/Q&A
From 13h00 : Lunch – Networking.
Group and one-on-one discussions and workshops in the afternoon, on request.
Date : Thursday, 27 April 2017 from 9.15 AM
Place : Bern, a 5 mins walk from the train station. (Hotel Kreuz, Zeughausgasse 41, 3011 Bern)
Parking : Available nearby. (Metro parking, Waisenhausplatz 19 / Parking Casino, Kochergasse 1 / Bahnhof parking main station)
We are looking forward to welcoming you in Bern.
Andreas Grimmer
+41 78 649 29 24